We produce blank
and traumatic weapons
We carry out the whole range of work on the development, testing and production of civilian weapons
We are armory production company «KURS»
In solving problems, we carry out an integrated approach: from the stage of forming an idea and drawing up a technical task to launching into mass production. Our experience with weapons allows us to follow three principles:

- efficiency in project implementation;

- maximum compliance with the expectations of our customers;

- the marginal economy of the expended resources.

We control the quality of our products at every stage
To achieve the best characteristics and ensure product quality, all products undergo a phased quality control with mandatory practical testing.
We are constantly developing and using modern equipment
Production is constantly developing and improving, in connection with which the operational characteristics of the weapon are also improving, the range of products is increasing.
We release nonlethal weapon and dummy weapons
At the moment, the production of 6 models of traumatic weapons has been mastered, as well as the process of thinning 6 models of long-barreled and about 20 models of short-barreled civilian and service weapons has been worked out and implemented.

Our dealers

Our weapons are represented throughout Russia: from Kaliningrad to Sakhalin.

Product model
Our products include both time-tested and novelties: we are constantly expanding our range and creating new models
We will make a batch of weapons from 100 units according to your project
You can find our products in the stores of our distributors throughout Russia
contact us
If you have any questions about the assortment, product quality or you want to discuss the manufacture of weapons to order - leave a request
For purchasing products, you can also contact our official distributor «RossImportArms»
8 800 500-65-60

427961, Sarapul, Electrozavodskaya st, 15
Phone number.: (34147) 97-1-37